Contact Us

  • For product or online order enquiry, please visit below locations or email
    1. G211, 1/F, The Repulse Bay Arcade, 109 Repulse Bay Road, HK
      Tel. +852 2592 9668
      Monday to Saturday 8:30am to 8:00pm
      Sunday 9am to 7:00pm
    1. 1-5F, 52 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong, Central, HK
      Tel: +852 2526 6918
      Monday to Friday 10:00am to 9:00pm
      Saturday 10:00am to 8:00pm
      Sunday 10:30am to 7:00pm
    1. Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Kowloon East, 3/F, 3 Tong Tak Street, Tseung Kwan O, HK
      Tel: +852 3983 0406
      Monday to Sunday 9:00am to 11:00pm